29 January 2011

Stamp Collecting | What Supplies Are Needed ?

Are you interested in taking up stamp collecting as a hobby?  One question commonly asked by hopeful stamp collectors concerns supplies.  Many associate needed supplies and accessories with start-up costs.  The good news is that stamp collecting is a relatively affordable hobby.  In fact, no supplies, expect for the stamps themselves, are really needed.  With that in mind, there are stamp collecting supplies that collectors, such as yourself, can benefit from owning and utilizing.
The most widely used stamp collecting tool is that of a magnifying glass.  Magnifying glasses are used to examine the condition of stamps. This can assist in determining the approximate value of your stamp collection.  If you intend to purchase stamps, from a professional stamp collection dealer, a magnifying glass is a tool that you will want to invest in.  This tool can help to prevent you from overpaying.
Stamp tongs are a stamp collecting tool that is widely used by professional stamp collectors and dealers.  Stamp collecting tongs resemble tweezers, but they do vary greatly in the most important sense.  Most stamp tongs have bottoms that are designed as if they were a shovel.  This design enables the easy and careful handling of stamps, which is important to prevent damage and maintain value.  As with most other stamp collecting supplies, stamp tongs are not required; however, they can help to prevent damage, including the transfer of oils and other debris, from occurring.
Stamp stock books are a tool that is used as a way to carefully and safely store stamps.  Stamp stock books, although they do vary, are similar in nature.  They contain clear protective sheets that often have horizontal rows, which are often designed to fit a wide range of stamp sizes.  Depending on the stamp stock book in question, individual slots in each row is also a possibility.  Stock books have evolved much past stamps; however, as they are also used to store collectable sports cards, coins, and much more!

In addition to stamp stock books, stamp albums are another method of safely storing stamps.  This storing approach is widely preferred by many stamp collectors.  Stamp albums differ from traditional stamp stock books as they are often categorized.  For example, a stamp collector who specializes in collecting international stamps, would have separate pages devoted to stamps from the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and so forth.  Depending on the stamp album in question, predetermined categories may be assigned or a blank space may be found where stamp collectors, like yourself, can write in your own category.

If you would like assistance with increasing or at least maintaining the value of your stamp collection with the aforementioned supplies, you may be curious about making a purchase.  Where you will need to make your purchases from will all depend on a number of different factors, including the stamp collecting supply piece in question.  For example, a magnifying glass can be purchased from most department stores and even dollar stores.  On the other hand, a stamp display book, also commonly referred to as a stamp stock book, may be harder to come across.  For the best chance of success, many professional stamp collectors turn to the internet when looking to purchase stamp collecting supplies.

In keeping with the purchasing of stamp collecting supplies, it is also important to examine stamp collecting kits.  Although many stamp collecting kits are targeted towards children or beginners in particular, they do come in a number of different formats.  Stamp collecting kits often contain a large collection of valuable stamp collecting tools, including the above mentioned stamp albums, magnifying glasses, stamp tongs, as well as valuable stamp collecting resources or guides.

As a reminder, the above mentioned stamp collecting supplies may be able to assist you and other collectors in a quest to develop a well cared for and possibly profitable stamp collection.  Although there are a number of benefits to owning and utilizing stamp collecting supplies, they are not required to enjoy this popular hobby.

21 January 2011

Stamp Collecting Values and Their Importance

Each year in the United States, there are thousands of individuals who search high and low for new stamps to add to their collections.  Many of these stamps are new in the literal sense; however, will others will be new to a stamp collection, but withstood the test of time.  All stamp collectors, especially those looking to one day sell their collections, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with stamp values and their importance.  After all, a stamp and its value can have a significant impact on a stamp collector’s ability to profit from their collection.

Stamp collectors who are interested in purchasing new stamps, such as from a stamp dealer, are urged to familiarize themselves with their local stamp collecting catalogue.  This catalogue often varies from country to country.  For example, in the United States, the catalogue used to guide stamp collectors on which types of stamps should be collected for profits and their values, is referred to as the Scott catalogue.  The catalogue used in Great Briton is referred to as the Stanley Gibbons catalogue.  These catalogues tend to be released annually and most are available for sale online, locally, and copies may even be found available for borrow in libraries.

In addition to using stamp catalogues as a way to estimate the average value of a stamp, there are a number of other approaches taken.  For example, an easy way to determine the estimated value of a stamp or a stamp collection in whole is by scheduling an appointment with a stamp collection dealer.  Most stamp collecting dealers are professional and knowledgeable when it comes to stamp values.  With that in mind, if you are visiting a stamp dealer to either buy or sell stamps, use your best judgment.  When looking to sell your stamp collection, it may be a wise idea to pay for an accurate appraisal and then visit other stamp dealers to sell your collection.  This will prevent any low appraisals from un-honest stamp dealers who are just looking to make a profit.

As important as value is and should be to many stamp collectors, especially those who are considered investors, stamp condition should also be taken into consideration.  All stamp collectors are urged to take proper care of their stamps.  This proper care involves carefully handling all stamps, by using stamp tongs, and storing stamps in a heat and humidity free environment.  One important point that many new stamp collectors forget is that many stamps will increase in value over the years, but if those stamps are not properly cared for, their value will decrease or remain the same.  For that reason, investors who are in stamp collecting solely from the profit of doing so, often go through great lengths to find stamps, especially rare stamps, that are in good condition to begin with.

As previously stated, stamp values and stamp conditions are two important factors to consider when stamp collecting.  With that in mind, stamp values and conditions are not the only factors that should be examined.  Hobbyists have a bit more freedom when collecting stamps, as they are often collecting just for the fun of it.  Investors or those looking to sell their stamp collections for a profit one day, are encouraged to do as much research as possible.  This research can either be done online or with printed resources, such as a how-to stamp collect for profits guide.

20 January 2011

Stamp Collecting Tips

Stamp collecting is a hobby that has been enjoyed by many for years on end.  Are you interested in joining in on the fun?  If you are, you may be looking for stamp collecting tips or at least information on the stamp collecting basics.  If so, you have come to the right place.  Whether you are looking for tips on how to make the most out of stamp collecting as a hobby or how to build a profitable stamp collection, the tips outlined below can help you and other stamp collectors accomplish your goals.

The most important component of developing a successful stamp collection is that of collecting stamps.  To get started, you may want to start collecting any stamps that you can find, even the stamps that come with your mail.  What is nice about this approach is that you never know what you may receive.  After all, a piece of mail may have a limited edition stamp that may be profitable in the future.

In addition to collecting stamps from your mailings, you will also want to examine expanding your collection through way of purchases.  Stamps and older stamp collection sets are easy to come across, especially when using the internet.  For starters, you may want to examine the online websites of stamp collecting dealers.  Online auction websites may also be a great source of affordable stamps for your collection.

Aside from building your stamp collection, the next most important component of stamp collecting is research.  In fact, research cannot be emphasized enough.  Research is particularly important if you are looking to build a profitable stamp collection, such as one that can be sold at a later date.  With research, you can know which type of stamps have the best values, conditions you should look for when making stamp purchases, and so forth.

In keeping with the importance of research, is not only important to research stamp collecting in general, but it is also important to use the knowledge that you have to the best of your ability.  This involves inspecting all stamps before you buy them.  Never, for your own safety, take the word of someone else.  When buying stamps for your collection, especially those of great value, be sure to examine the stamp collection in person.  Do you notice any damage or irregularities?  A damaged stamp should decrease in value; therefore, you should never pay the full value.

Whether you are interested in stamp collecting simply as a hobby or for profits, it is important to take proper care of your stamp collection.  You should start with storage.  All stamps, especially those that are valuable or have the potential to become valuable, should be kept in a clean and dry environment.  Stamps should always be heat and humidity free.

In keeping with care, it is also advised that you invest in stamp collecting supplies.  Although stamp collecting supplies are not required by any means, they can be beneficial to you.  For an affordable price, you can purchase stamp tongs, magnifying glasses, and stamp storage books, also commonly referred to as stamp stock books.  These tools, if used properly, should be able to increase the value of your stamp collection or at least maintain it.

As a reminder, it is important that you be on the lookout for ways to expand your stamp collection, this is the best way to see success as a stamp collector.  Of course, you will want to visit stamp collecting dealers, but you may also want to be on the lookout for full stamp collection sets for sale.  This is best online and, as previously stated, online auction websites should be examined.  This approach is nice as many are hobbyists who may no longer be interested in stamp collecting or those who are too old to continue on with their hobby.

The above mentioned tips are just a few of the stamp collecting basics that can help you see success as a stamp collector.  Whether you stamp collect for a hobby only or with hopes of future profits, these tips can help you accomplish your stamp collecting goals.

19 January 2011

Stamp Collecting: A Great Hobby for Kids

Are you a parent?  If you are, does your child have a hobby, namely one that does not involve video games?  If not, you may want to help them try their hand at stamp collecting.  Stamp collecting is a hobby that has been enjoyed by individuals of all ages for a long time now.  This activity is one that your child may find interesting, exciting, and well worth their time.

As ideal as it is to hear that stamp collecting is a hobby that your child can enjoy, you may be wondering what is so great about stamp collecting.  Truthfully, there are a number of benefits to getting your child interested in the great hobby of stamp collecting.  Two of those benefits include goal setting, as well as a safe, enjoyable activity.

As previously stated, one of the many benefits to stamp collecting at a young age is goal setting.  If you and your child actively pursue stamp collecting as a hobby, it is likely to turn into a hobby that they will enjoy for years to come.  Generally speaking, the younger you get started, the better it will be.  When your child enjoys stamp collecting as a hobby, they will likely want to see their stamp collection grow, especially if that collection can be profitable for them one day.  This is where the goal setting is likely to develop.

As stated above, was the fact that stamp collecting is a fun, safe, and enjoyable activity. In an age where it seems as if children fill their time with video games and computer use, a simple activity, such as stamp collecting may be needed.  Whether you help your child with their stamp collection or not, as a parent, you can take comfort in knowing that they are participating in a healthy activity, even just for a few hours a week.

Another one of the many benefits to getting your child interested in stamp collecting is the ease of doing so.  As a parent, you may take comfort in knowing that stamp collecting is a hobby that just about everyone can afford.  Yes, you may want to take steps to purchase older collectable stamps for your child, but there are no requirements to do so.  Depending on your child’s age, they may simply be pleased with a stamp collection that is filled with stamps that come from your own mail.

Speaking of using stamps from your own personal mailings, you may want to teach your child how to properly remove these stamps.  Yes, you can simply cut the stamp out with a portion of the envelope attached, but there is a specific process that can be performed.  Your child may find this process scientific and intriguing.  To get started, cut around the stamp.  Next, place the cutout in a warm bowl of water for about ten minutes.  During this time, the stamp should pull away from the envelop backing.  Carefully remove the stamp, as you do not want it to rip, lay on a flat surface and let dry.  Since curling is a possibility, be sure to flatten all stamps, by weighting them down once dried.

It may also be a wise idea to purchase a few stamp collecting supplies for your child.  These stamp collecting supplies can help to increase their interest in this amazing hobby.  You may like the affordability of many stamp collecting supplies.  Popular stamp collecting supplies, especially those perfect for children and teenagers, include magnifying glasses, stamp collecting albums, and stamp tongs.  Each of these affordability priced items make great gifts.

As outlined above, stamp collecting is a hobby and an activity in general that is perfect for individuals of all ages, including children and teenagers.  To help increase your child’s excitement levels, concerning stamp collecting, you may want to do stamp collecting research with them.  This research is ideal when performed online.  Educating your child on the proper care of stamps, as well as their values may do wonder for your child’s interests and goals.