21 January 2011

Stamp Collecting Values and Their Importance

Each year in the United States, there are thousands of individuals who search high and low for new stamps to add to their collections.  Many of these stamps are new in the literal sense; however, will others will be new to a stamp collection, but withstood the test of time.  All stamp collectors, especially those looking to one day sell their collections, are encouraged to familiarize themselves with stamp values and their importance.  After all, a stamp and its value can have a significant impact on a stamp collector’s ability to profit from their collection.

Stamp collectors who are interested in purchasing new stamps, such as from a stamp dealer, are urged to familiarize themselves with their local stamp collecting catalogue.  This catalogue often varies from country to country.  For example, in the United States, the catalogue used to guide stamp collectors on which types of stamps should be collected for profits and their values, is referred to as the Scott catalogue.  The catalogue used in Great Briton is referred to as the Stanley Gibbons catalogue.  These catalogues tend to be released annually and most are available for sale online, locally, and copies may even be found available for borrow in libraries.

In addition to using stamp catalogues as a way to estimate the average value of a stamp, there are a number of other approaches taken.  For example, an easy way to determine the estimated value of a stamp or a stamp collection in whole is by scheduling an appointment with a stamp collection dealer.  Most stamp collecting dealers are professional and knowledgeable when it comes to stamp values.  With that in mind, if you are visiting a stamp dealer to either buy or sell stamps, use your best judgment.  When looking to sell your stamp collection, it may be a wise idea to pay for an accurate appraisal and then visit other stamp dealers to sell your collection.  This will prevent any low appraisals from un-honest stamp dealers who are just looking to make a profit.

As important as value is and should be to many stamp collectors, especially those who are considered investors, stamp condition should also be taken into consideration.  All stamp collectors are urged to take proper care of their stamps.  This proper care involves carefully handling all stamps, by using stamp tongs, and storing stamps in a heat and humidity free environment.  One important point that many new stamp collectors forget is that many stamps will increase in value over the years, but if those stamps are not properly cared for, their value will decrease or remain the same.  For that reason, investors who are in stamp collecting solely from the profit of doing so, often go through great lengths to find stamps, especially rare stamps, that are in good condition to begin with.

As previously stated, stamp values and stamp conditions are two important factors to consider when stamp collecting.  With that in mind, stamp values and conditions are not the only factors that should be examined.  Hobbyists have a bit more freedom when collecting stamps, as they are often collecting just for the fun of it.  Investors or those looking to sell their stamp collections for a profit one day, are encouraged to do as much research as possible.  This research can either be done online or with printed resources, such as a how-to stamp collect for profits guide.

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